About the Journal

The Jahangirnagar University Journal of Electronics and Computer Science (JUJECS) is a peer reviewed journal which accepts high quality research articles. The journal is published annually by the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Jahangirnagar University, focusing on theories, methods and applications in Computer Science & Engineering, Electronics, Information Technology and relevant fields. The goal of the journal is to make the researchers familiar with the current trends of research in the abovementioned fields.

JUJECS invites researchers, academics, professionals to submit their original and unpublished articles. Extended versions of papers presented at conferences may be submitted. All articles must be in English. Submitted articles will be reviewed by the members of a review panel composed of eminent researchers from different institutions worldwide. Authors can submit a paper at any time. Following acceptance, a paper will normally be published in the next issue. The journal ensures the authors that the peer review results will be informed within three months from the date of paper submission.